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Brooks TLC director of pharmacy

Christopher Kotowski, Brooks-TLC director of pharmacy, prepares dosing

Team members at Brooks-TLC Hospital System, Inc. work swiftly the moment they receive news.  As soon as vaccine supply arrives to the hospital’s loading dock, wheels are in motion to prepare for the next round of public vaccination clinics.

“There is no way of predicting when supplies will arrive,” shares Christopher Kotowski , PharmD, Brooks-TLC director of pharmacy, “but we’re able to vaccinate eligible community members oftentimes within a matter of hours of a new shipment.”  Immediately after in-house logistics are ironed out, hospital clinics are scheduled through the NYS Department of Health (DOH).

All Hands on Deck
“Our team – including directors, managers and coordinators – has been an invaluable resource,” adds Jodi Witherell, chief nursing officer and vice president of quality services.  “These professionals have demonstrated true leadership by prioritizing the administration of vaccine doses to our community – all at a moment’s notice.”

Teacher receiving vaccine

Bethany Burlingame, a teacher at Bemus Point Central School District, receives first vaccine dose

The Process
Once registered for an appointment, community members are provided with a ticket they must bring to the hospital’s main lobby at their designated appointment time.  A consent form is completed before clinical screening takes place with a hospital pharmacist.  Vaccine administration itself takes less than a minute, but patients are required to stay in observation and recovery for another 15 minutes to ensure no adverse side effects.  Those vaccinated are encouraged to scan a barcode which takes them to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)’s v-safe application – an after vaccination health checker – to both schedule a second dose and monitor any vaccine side effects.  There is no fee to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

Please Do Not Call the Hospital to Schedule Vaccines
New Yorkers in Phase 1A and segments of Phase 1B are eligible for the vaccines. Currently, eligible groups include doctors, nurses and health care workers, people age 65 and over, first responders, teachers, public transit workers, grocery store workers and public safety workers.   To check eligibility, visit:

Based on the pattern over the last few days, clinics can fill up in less than an hour.  However, hospital officials strongly urge those interested in receiving the vaccine to check the DOH registration website regularly as new clinics are added, and appointment times can open up due to cancellations.