Today, March 30, is national Doctors’ Day. Please join us in recognizing our local physicians who dedicate themselves daily providing quality, compassionate healthcare.
Throughout the last 12 months of uncertainty, one truth we all know is that Brooks-TLC physicians are a special breed with exceptional compassion and grace. We know them not just professionally, but as neighbors, family and friends – living and working among us. And for this reason, we know firsthand their unending dedication to our community.
Throughout the past year’s global pandemic, it comes as no surprise they risked their own wellbeing to ensure ours. During the darkest of days as we were frightened and tired, we saw reassurance in their eyes. In true Brooks-TLC fashion, they stayed the course, and continued to serve patients with compassion and dedication.
In this new season of hope, together we can take inspiration from our physicians. Today and every day forward, whether in times of pain, sorrow, or incredible joy, our community is better because they have chosen to practice here.
Please take a moment today to extend thanks to our physicians who have made a difference in our lives and in the health of our community.